Marley =) |
Simon |
Sun Sun has set set |
Massive Jenga and Dan at his natural state |
Kiwi-Oli and Jamie & Marley playing aliens :P |
Btw, k2isin doonorkliinikus. Kaal oli napilt yle aga normis, hemoglobiini tase oli hea, tervis oli hea, tuju oli hea ja pauhh... Minu verd ei tahetud, sest (lihtsustades) kui p2rined Aafrikast v6i Eestist, on HIV risk liiga k6rge. (Nimetatud olid enamus Aafrika riigid, Eesti ja samuti j22d v2lja kui oled elanud Iirimaal, Uk-s v6i Pranstusmaal aastatel 1980 - 1996). Ja isegi kui ma teeksin HIV testi, ei saa ma annetada enne, kui olen olnud resident 5 aastat. I was beaten up about it, but New Zealand has the purest blood in the world and they need to be picky. Apparently they have enough donors and they can afford it, so good on them :)
So everybody has seen the documentary Supersize me. Just yesterday was looking a response to that called Fathead. Yes, it is ridiculous (made in comedy style to fit everybodys interestes, too much for me though) , but it actually containes really good information and makes the point, that even if you like something for the idea, be questionable about everything. Background, backgorund, background. Who do trust? Nobody...
Looking forward to the aliens and olympics.
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